Monday, October 27, 2014

The NITR Big Bang!

"Our Whole Universe Was In A Hot Dense State,Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...The Earth began to cool,The autotrophs began to drool,Neanderthals developed tools,We built a wall (we built the pyramids),Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,That all started with the big bang!"
Familiar lines? Very few of us have failed to encounter the famous Big Bang Theory at point or the other of our lives – either as the scientific theory of, well, the big bang that set life into motion, or as the series that features Sheldon Cooper, the highly intelligent theoretical physicist. Getting back to the topic at hand, what I am talking about here is evolution. Mankind has evolved from tiny microscopic organisms to the complex, thinking rational species we see around us today. When seemingly impossible to solve problems were encountered by the species that we now call Homo sapiens, they ADAPTED as best as they could, and/or EVOLVED into a species better suited to dealing with the problem at hand. The Wheel, Fire, Agriculture… step by step, man exercised control on the world around him and it yielded to him, making his life easier and better.

Adaptation & Evolution – the key to survival. Since the beginning of life on earth we’ve emerged to be the successful species on the face of planet earth. Any challenge, in this 21st century modern world or otherwise, requires one to adapt to the circumstances. Since it is not always possible to change oneself, hence one evolves. Because there were people who dared to think beyond what lay before their eyes, people who actually utilized that grey matter that all of us have to do something other than for routinely normal purposes, we live today in a world with inventions that made our lives simpler and discoveries that helped us to understand everything. Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Charles Babbage, Bertrand Russell, C V Raman, S N Bose … all these great minds, and many more, are great inventors and scientists, people who, with their lives as examples can prove to you how one ought to aspire to create the best you can, just by thinking out of the box.

INNOVISION '14 aims to test whether you can adapt and evolve yourself to emerge victorious in the events that you try your hands in. INNOVATE with what materials you have, INSPIRE your teammates and others to give it their best shot, and IGNITE the spark of creativity that lies in you, to create a faster, more efficient means to the goal. 

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