Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sneak Peek into Innovision '14

"Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation"

                                                                                                                                    -Robert H. Sculler

Ever pondered on the question of how such marvelous event like Innovision is conducted? What amount of Herculean effort is a pre-requisite to establish the biggest technical festival of the state? About the incessant meetings of the organizing team for a smoother completion of the festival? Here is an insight into the insides of Innovision.

Straight away from the beginning of the academic session, the groundwork for the upcoming Innovision is laid by the existing members of ‘The team, Innovision NIT Rourkela’. Then on new members from the subsequent batches are inducted into the various sub fields namely the Organizing team, Technical team, Content team, Creative team so on and so forth after a series of grounding rounds. The phenomenal website is designed ardently by the ingenious architects of the Creative team followed by flawless execution of the same by the Technical team. Polished gist and recurrently updated write ups by the Content team precisely fill up the outstanding website and blogs. The publicity team then takes up the challenge to spread about the details of Innovision flooding the social networking sites with imaginative videos of the fest for reaching out to every other emerging engineer. 

The renowned clubs of NIT Rourkela are thereafter bestowed on with the responsibility planning and organizing the stimulating events from all disciplines. Problem statements, event details, rules and regulations, judging criteria, eligibility and other specifications along with a striking name to lure the crowd are formulated after extensive discussions among the team members. The detailed draft comprising the above particulars is then proposed to the Innovision team for approval. Following a thorough study of the given event, it is subsequently added to the ‘list of events’ to be conducted during the technical festival. Once the approval is received, the club members set out to hunt for sponsorships from various organizations required for unblemished preparation of the event as well as for captivating prizes for the techno maniacs. With adequate sponsorships, club members ultimately submit the write up on gifts and prizes to be received by the capable champions.

With refined management skills of the Innovision team, the above procedures are smoothly completed before a month of Innovision. Hence comes the time for wrapping up every single detail into a splendid success. Details on ‘the frenetic month’ to be covered in the next article. Stay tuned to grasp the climax!

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