Thursday, October 23, 2014

Robots, Robots Everywhere!

With the robotics' passion swiftly dawning over the technical institutes of the country, NIT Rourkela has taken the leap forward in annually organising events pertaining to diverse kind of bots. Ranging from automated bots capable of following the specified path throughout the entire arena to the manually controlled aquatic bots proficient in water, the aspiring students of NITR have accomplished quite a deal in the ascending field of robotics. Every year these events witness participants emerging from almost every corner of the nation.

Enthusiastic participants both from inside and outside of the institute toil hard day and night until the bot has attained perfection both in shape and efficiency. Contestants spend sleepless nights in SAC (Student Activity Centre) steering their bots through the given path sketched in the arena unless all errors have been eliminated.

Watching the 'lively' bots programmed and controlled by the humans moving faultlessly just according to the problem statement is surely a treat for the eyes. In one such event, remote controlled bots are driven in perilous paths with fire burning in intervals and other identical obstacles.  Then in the line follower competition – ‘Tread-o-quest’, astounding bots are designed which follow the specified white line throughout the arena completing the task assigned to them. In the event named ‘Roboventure’ manually controlled wireless bots are left in the centre of the maze and driven out to the exit point in minimum time. Another event related to aqua robotics is the ‘Aqua Soccer’ where innovative bots are designed to play water golf, pushing the balls into the goal posts.

The robotics exhibition portraying all sorts of exceptional bots is generally held in SAC in front of an enormous crowd. Robots dancing to the musical tunes along with the toning light effects is quite a mesmerising sight. Slowly with the night unfolding, intricate mysteries of technologies are revealed that undeniably take every single audience to another level.

With such irresistible events, Innovision ‘14 surely has a lot more stirring surprises wrapped up in an ample package. So stay updated ‘coz the countdown has already started!

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